Visita virtuale al MUFANT - Museolab del Fantastico
e della Fantascienza di Torino, Feat. Fratelli Stellari
Video presente nel canale YouTube di DJoNemesis
MUFANT is unique in Italy and Europe: it’s a permanent multi-purpose and interactive exhibition space that aims to spread awareness of the Fantastic, of Fantasy, of Horror and Science Fiction in their various cultural expressions: Literature, Cinema, Art and Game.
A Pleyad Studios Production. Video recorded on April 2019.
Camera operator and editing: Dorien Dorion.
Featuring three members of Fratelli Stellari:
Soundtrack: a medley of three songs included in DJoNemesis's album "Space Captain", precisely "Past Life", "Alien Beings (Feat. Fratelli Stellari)" and "Spirit Guide (Feat. Dorien Dorion)". Listen to the full album on Spotify, Bandcamp, Deezer, YouTube, iTunes and other music stores.