sabato 23 aprile 2016

The YouTube Channel of Fratelli Stellari

Fratelli Stellari (Star Brothers) is a band formed by various artists coming from outer space and settled in Italy, mainly in Florence and Turin. All the members of the band are of alien origin, but they hide themselves under pseudonyms and live among the earthlings.

Their first album, "Aglien Discomix", includes 16 songs pop-dance-electronic with alien voices and particular effects (flangers, phasers, reverberations, ufo noises and similar). EAN-UPC: 0701197289697. Label: Pleyad Studios.

Fratelli Stellari have published two books of alien tales, written in Italian: "Dall'Egitto con Furore" ("From Egypt with Fury") and "50 Sfumature di Alieno" ("50 Shades of Alien"); both appeared in 2015 through Youcanprint.


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